About The Maniac Behind It

The game is always on for her, just like Sherlock, whom she adores. Though Harry Potter gives the detective a tough competition. An avid reader who prides herself in unraveling the mystery before the final chapter of the book.
Her other leisure pursuits include beating others at swimming, writing and painting competitions, usually followed by a victory dance. Has a tendency to be disenchanted at failure as she is a diligent worker, always aiming for perfection, be it in any sphere of life. Her few friends describe her as a trustworthy, amusing and a bit of an introvert. Loves to etymologize and engage in senseless conversations with her teddy bear.
She is eager to explore all unconventional career options in the future. She’d rather have a passport full of stamps than a home full of stuff. Steadfast in her resolve, she is quick to articulate her notions. Inspired by minute qualities in too many people to name, she aspires to bloom into a confident adult with the reigns of her destiny in her own hands.